Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dicing with Death

Tienen que leer este relato. El autor es uno de los pasajeros de la avioneta que chocó al Boeing 737 de Gol que se estrelló en el amazonas. Curiosamente, el autor era un corresponsal freelance del ny times que escribe frecuentemente sobre viajes. La historia es impresionante. Sobre todo porque ninguno se dio cuenta de que lo que los había chocado era otro avión. No lo vieron venir. No lo escucharon venir. Sólo el golpe y ver cómo se arrancaba una parte del ala.

El después.

"We were the Amazon Seven, living now on precious time that no longer belonged to us but somehow we had acquired"

Para luego caer en cuán afortunados habían sido. No entender cómo una avioneta de ese tamaño puede resistir y un avión gigante estrellarse de esa forma.

"He was speculating on what happened, but this is what he said: Both planes were, inexplicably, at the same altitude in the same space in the sky. The southeast-bound 737 pilots spotted our Legacy 600, which was flying northwest to Manaus, and made a frantic evasive bank. The 737 wing, swooping into the space between our wing and the high tail, clipped us twice, and the bigger plane then went into its death spiral"

El peso de saber que ellos viven gracias a los que no pudieron.

"But laughs, such as they were, died out by now as we thought again and again of the bodies still unclaimed in the jungle, and how their lives and ours had intersected, literally and metaphorically, for one horrible split second"


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